
性别:保密 , 来自 安徽-合肥  最后登录:2024-03-12,还能通过匹配发出明信片 5
明信片收藏册 Ta发布的活动 给Ta发站内信 给Ta寄明信片 举报不良行为
注册于 2023年8月16日, 累计发片 26 张, 成功率 65.38%; 收片 8 张, 发起活动 0 次,参加活动 0
Hi! Everybody!
My hobbies are watching movies, reading detective novels, and collecting things

I also enjoy watching football matches and the Tour de France.

No matter what you send, I will pay attention. I believe I will like this card because it comes from a distant place and is full of greetings.

If you could write on the card your feelings today, the customs and traditions of your hometown, and so on, I would be very happy.
—— 木本水源